The Dev Guy

The Dev Guy

Monday, July 14, 2014

Upgraded Custom Screens from SL 6.5 to SL 2011 get Error 10127


You need to upgrade SL 6.5 Screens to Dynamics SL 2011. You run the conversion utility and after opening your screens in SL in 2011, you get a Programming Bulletproof Error 10127. The message gives further text of 2 or more controls have the same name of Form1. And Form1.. You look until your eyes pop out and there is no control with no name let alone two of them.   


SQL 2012, Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012, and Dynamics SL 2011.

We are developing in Visual Studio 2010. Please see my other post on how to get around the 64 bit issue.


            The issue is that every time you open the screen after upgrade you get the annoying prompt described above. The screen opens but you have to click to click ok on that message every time.




            If you are getting this message then you have multiple SSTabs (Windows.Forms.Controls.Tab) with a grid on each tab. You also have a groupbox on each tab. Groupboxes are used by Dynamics SL to group controls together to go in a Grid.  You don't need a Groupbox to do that in the last tab of SSTab. You have to delete the last groupbox and put the controls directly on the last tab. Highlight all the controls on the last tab (including the spread control), hit ctrl-x (cutting the controls). Hit the groupbox and hit delete key (thus deleting the groupbox), then hit ctrl-c (pasting the controls back on the form). Now recompile and redeploy. No more message.





            SSTabs in 6.5 had groupboxes around all controls that belonged on a grid. 2011 does the same but with one exception: if a Tab control has multiple tabs, each with a grid on it, then each tab needs a groupbox EXCEPT the last tab. How I figured this out I don’t know…
Things to maybe try that I did not: Add a blank tab and make it invisible.

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