Time has come to move from SL Dynamics 2011 to SL
Dynamics 2015. You need to upgrade your VS 2010 projects to VS 2013 and SL
Dynamics SDK 2011 to 2015.
Windows 2012 Server SQL Server 2012 SP 2 and
Visual Studio 2013.
Upgrade utility leaves a few steps to do. Its not just run and ready to go like earlier versions, and you can’t just open the project in VS 2013 and bam you are done.
You have to run the conversion utility then there are manual steps you have to perform.
First you need to install the SDK and Legacy Code Utility. They are options on the SL install utility. Must have both.
Second Run the SL DynamicsSLSDKConversion.exe that is placed in the VT directory under the main SL directory. Then a Code Converter directory holds the exe.
Select your project and run the utility. Note that it does an in-place conversion, back up first. See Image Below
Third open the project in Visual Studio 2013. You will notice many errors no matter how simple your project was. I’m am going to go through the steps you need to do for a standard sl screen project that you had grids and controls from the vb toolkit in but not much else.
Manual Steps Listed below:
Right mouse on Project (not solution) and select
Click on References and click Add
Browse to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_32
Add Solomon.Kernel
Add Microsoft.Dynamics.SL.Controls
Delete OLE reference
Delete VB compatibility reference
Delete the two Solomon Controls Reference
Click on Application Tab
Change Framework to .Net Framework 4.0 Client
Copy Microsoft.Dynamics.SL.SDK.vb to the project
directory (I like to have the project with all support files within, you don’t have to, just reference the right
Exclude Solomon.VBTools.vb from the project
Bless you.